For Eternal Failure
Information of works
Title: For Eternal Failure
Medium: kinetic sculpture, installation, sound, lights, and textiles
Year: 2022
Size: 3m x 7m x 1.5m
Material: Copper wire, green net, strobe light, surface transducer, wood, tile adhesive, plastic, motor, Arduino
Image credit: Zhongge Sui, Claire Lawrie
尺寸:3m x 7m x 1.5m
图片:隋钟舸、Claire Lawrie
Works statement:
This work examines why the how-to of success has always been underscored in our cultural environment and socialisation, alongside, however, a severe absence of discussion over how to deal with failure, something that every one of us has to confront. I think the future is uncertain and unstable for both my homeland and the whole world. So I have attempted to create an uncertain and unstable power in the installation. Through my works, I most urgently wish to shed light on where we are heading, where we are coming from, and where we are now. How can we cope with and overcome failures? And can we seek ultimate values in them?
So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.
整个作品描绘一个人类奋进且无限失败的场景,一片绿色的洪流冲向柱子,像是在攀爬或是在吞噬着那根坚硬的且正在生长中的柱子。 在制作中我采用了批量流水化的方法来复制生产一群奇怪的生物(大鼻子的天线宝宝),每一个都没法做到完美,每一都是“失败品”,给每一个做好特定标号,每一批也都有特定的标号,每一批次都会因为压力和温度的不同发生不同的形变,模型也会发生形变,模型的每一次修补记录也标号在内,并在它们其中的一些放置了随机代码来控制它们的运动。