Zhongge Sui is a multi-media artist and interdisciplinary designer with academic research and practical background in Fine Art and Design. Works involved installation, moving images, contemporary art jewellery, AI and AR. Art practices primarily concern China society, Urban transformations, Marginalised people, Existentialism and Anthropocentrism and use interdisciplinary research methods. Works always explores the interrelationship and conflict between individual experience, collective consciousness, contemporary social circumstance and mechanism, and a sort of internal tension among them, based on retrospective reflections of personal experiences, through which to explore broader personal and elements of collective social dilemmas.出生于中国湖南,多媒介艺术家、跨学科设计师。其媒介涉及装置、影像、当代首饰、雕塑、人工智能、增强现实与社会介入事件等。艺术实践主要关注中国社会、城市化变迁、边缘人群、人类中心主义、存在主义等相关话题,并多采用跨学科的研究方法进行艺术实践。作品经常基于对个人经历与社会事件的回顾与思考,在探索个体经历、集体意识和当代社会结构与机制之间的关系中,揭示它们内部构成的矛盾与张力。在片段性的背景叙事与凝聚性的视觉诠释中,探讨个人与社会的困境以及某种关怀。